

Summarizes a dependency graph according to user-specified criteria.

This tool takes a dependency graph generated by DependencyExtractor and filters it based on selection criteria provided by the user. The result is a new dependency graph which is a subgraph of the original one. You can use the various XXXToText and XXXToHTML XSL transformations to render the graph as text or HTML for human reading.

This tool can read multiple graphs and apply the same selection criteria across them to generate an aggregated result. With sufficiently wide criteria, you can use this tool to combine multiple graphs into one.

Refer to the Reporting section of the manual for an explanation of the various scope and filter attributes. Basically, scoping refers to the selection of nodes from the source graph that will make up the basis for the resulting graph. Filtering refers to the selection of links to or from the nodes in the scope.

In practical terms, you use scoping to zero in on the set of elements that you are interested in tracing dependencies to or from. You then filter in or out the dependencies stemming (whether inbound or outbound) from the scoped nodes.

The filterexcludes attribute is where you typically filter out large swaths of links that you do not want in the report, such as "/^java.*/,/^org.*/".

With the xml attribute, it converts the entire dependency graph into an XML document that follows the dependencies DTD.


Attribute Description Required
srcfile filename of the XML document containing the dependency graph. Yes, unless nested <src> elements are present.
validate validate the input XML against its DTD. No; defaults to false.
destfile where to write the output. If the file does not exists, it is created. If it already exists, its content is overwritten. Yes
scopeincludes the name of a package, class, or feature must match the regular expressions for it to be included in the query's focus. No
scopeexcludes the name of a package, class, or feature must NOT match the regular expressions for it to be included in the query's focus. No
packagescope select packages as part of the query's focus. No
packagescopeincludes the name of a package must match the regular expressions for it to be included in the query's focus. No
packagescopeexcludes the name of a package must NOT match the regular expressions for it to be included in the query's focus. No
classscope select classes (with their package) as part of the query's focus. No
classscopeincludes the name of a class must match the regular expressions for it to be included in the query's focus. No
classscopeexcludes the name of a class must NOT match the regular expressions for it to be included in the query's focus. No
featurescope select features (with their class and package) as part of the query's focus. No
featurescopeincludes the name of a feature must match the regular expressions for it to be included in the query's focus. No
featurescopeexcludes the name of a feature must NOT match the regular expressions for it to be included in the query's focus. No
scopeincludeslist the name of a package, class, or feature must match an entry in the named files for it to be included in the query's focus. No
scopeexcludeslist the name of a package, class, or feature must NOT match any of the entries in the named files for it to be included in the query's focus. No
filterincludes the name of a package, class, or feature at the other end of the dependency must match the regular expressions for the dependency to be included in the results. No
filterexcludes the name of a package, class, or feature at the other end of the dependency must NOT match the regular expressions for the dependency to be included in the results. No
packagefilter show dependencies to and/or from packages. No
packagefilterincludes the name of a package at the other end of the dependency must match the regular expressions for the dependency to be included in the results. No
packagefilterexcludes the name of a package at the other end of the dependency must NOT match the regular expressions for the dependency to be included in the results. No
classfilter show dependencies to and/or from classes. No
classfilterincludes the name of a class at the other end of the dependency must match the regular expressions for the dependency to be included in the results. No
classfilterexcludes the name of a class at the other end of the dependency must NOT match the regular expressions for the dependency to be included in the results. No
featurefilter show dependencies to and/or from features. No
featurefilterincludes the name of a feature at the other end of the dependency must match the regular expressions for the dependency to be included in the results. No
featurefilterexcludes the name of a feature at the other end of the dependency must NOT match the regular expressions for the dependency to be included in the results. No
filterincludeslist the name of a package, class, or feature at the other end of the dependency must match match an entry in the named files for the dependency to be included in the results. No
filterexcludeslist the name of a package, class, or feature at the other end of the dependency must NOT match any of the entries in the named files for the dependency to be included in the results. No
p2p shortcut for packagescope and packagefilter. No
c2p shortcut for classscope and packagefilter. No
c2c shortcut for classscope and classfilter. No
f2f shortcut for featurescope and featurefilter. No
includes shortcut for scopeincludes and filterincludes. No
excludes shortcut for scopeexcludes and filterexcludes. No
copyonly limits the report to dependencies that are actually in the source graph. This will prevent the reporter from inferring implicit dependencies when possible. No; defaults to false.
showemptynodes lists nodes in the scope, even if they would appear empty because they have no inbound or outbound dependencies. No; defaults to false.
showinbounds lists filtered inbound dependencies for scoped nodes. No; defaults to false.
showoutbounds lists filtered outbound dependencies for scoped nodes. No; defaults to false.
xml writes the dependency graph as an XML document with the dependencies DTD. No; defaults to false.
encoding encoding used for the XML output document. Only useful with xml. No
dtdprefix prefix of the DTD URL for the XML output document. Only useful with xml. No; defaults to "".
indenttext used for each indentation level in textual and XML output. No; defaults to "    " (4 spaces).
minimize minimizes the dependency graph before outputing it. No; defaults to false.
maximize maximizes the dependency graph before outputing it. No; defaults to false.

Nested elements


<dependencyreporter>'s srcfile attribute is a path-like structures and can also be set via a nested <src> element.


<dependencyreporter>'s scopeincludeslist attribute is a path-like structures and can also be set via a nested <scopeincludeslist> element.


<dependencyreporter>'s scopeexcludeslist attribute is a path-like structures and can also be set via a nested <scopeexcludeslist> element.


<dependencyreporter>'s filterincludeslist attribute is a path-like structures and can also be set via a nested <filterincludeslist> element.


<dependencyreporter>'s filterexcludeslist attribute is a path-like structures and can also be set via a nested <filterexcludeslist> element.


To reduce the graph in dg.xml to package-to-package dependencies and save it to dg.p2p.xml:

  <dependencyreporter srcfile="df.xml"

To reduce the graph in dg.xml to package-to-package dependencies among com.jeantessier.* packages and save it to dg.p2p.xml, and then convert it to HTML:

  <dependencyreporter srcfile="df.xml"

To reduce the graph in dg.xml to package-to-package dependencies and save it to dg.p2p.xml:

  <dependencyreporter srcfile="df.xml"
  <xslt style="${dependencyfinder.home}/etc/DependencyGraphToHTML.xsl"

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